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Friday, 13 February 2009

Bit of a mood ..

I was in a bit of a mood when I did this. Dark and gloomy.
I had this idea of portraying some of the realities of our world. The piece is divided into 3 parts.
The bottom part shows an african face , eyes closed . Above it a scene of a polluted world barbed wire, factories belching smoke which form the 3rd pard .: children dying in a poor world.
In a way the factories , which produce so much of the wealth and products we so crave work on the backs of our poorer cousins . Its a reality we have to face and account for.

Painting with coffee

While I was painting i decided to take photos of the steps I've taken to create the painting . It gives me a chance to document the process.

First i prepare the board by sanding it lightly. This makes my life easier . I use a mixture of coffee and tea to stain the canvas. While wet I also sprinkle crushed coffee granules. This gives it a more aged and textured feel

Next I lightly pencil in the drawing . It's more of a guideline as most of the lines would be covered with layers of colors .You have to be careful not to make any line too dark. Otherwise it will be a bitch to remove later.

Using mostly Browns I begin to darken the shadows, slowly bringing the face out of the background
Building later upon layer the face starts taking shape.

Blacks really add a nice contrast to the browns.Black ink does the job pretty well. The highlights are mainly white chalk pastels .

More Work.

I had some time to upload some of my latest work and some old stuff( which i have just taken some good photos of.)